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Understanding and Reporting Hate Crime

This presentation is about understanding and reporting hate crime.

Throughout this presentation, we will cover what constitutes a hate crime or hate incident (and the difference between the two), the legislation we have in NSW concerning hate speech and Nazi symbols, new Commonwealth legislation regarding Nazi symbols and violent extremist material, and how to report such incidents to the NSW Police Force, including the various options available for making a report.

Join us to gain valuable insights, learn how to take action, and become better equipped to help build a safer and more inclusive community.

Please note: This is offered as part of our FREE community talks program. Pre-booking is encouraged, but walk-ins are welcome on the day.

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About the tutor

Sargent Ish kirgiz and Jo mackay

The Engagement and Hate Crime Unit (EHCU) is a dedicated unit within the NSW Police Force that promotes and supports the prevention, disruption and reduction of hate crime  and the support of victims and communities in NSW. The unit provides education and promotion of hate crime awareness within NSW communities to encourage reporting. They provide advice and education regarding hate motivated crimes and support operations and investigations both within NSW and nationally when required to assist other government agencies. The EHCU actively engages with vulnerable communities to build rapport and working relationships on behalf of the New South Wales Police Force. The Engagement and Hate Crime Unit is also part of the multi-agency Engagement and Support Program (ESP) run by the Engagement and Support Unit, Department of Communities and Justice.

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(02) 9922 2299
Monday to Friday - 10:00am to 6:00pm
220 Miller St, North Sydney - Back of Ted Mack Civic Park