Expressive Painting
Course Overview
Develop your individual painting style!
In this friendly and engaging acrylic (or oil) painting course, students will work through a number of paintings alongside technical exercises designed to demystify art-making and develop a personal painting practice. There will be tutor demonstrations each week, along with individual feedback and support throughout each class. The lessons will cover still life, landscape, and other forms of representational painting, with references to art history.
Course Breakdown
Week 1: Exercise on brush techniques and basic shapes.
Week 2: Exercise on colour mixing and start the first painting.
Week 3: Exercise on colour theory and complete the first painting.
Week 4: Exercise on tonal values and underpainting, beginning the second painting.
Week 5: Exercise on composition and complete the second painting.
Week 6: Discussion on personal reference material and begin the final artwork.
Week 7: Recap and assess individual painting progress.
Week 8: Recap and further development of individual painting practice.
Week 9: Complete and finalise the final artwork.
This outline provides an overview of what may be covered during the course; however, changes may occur based on various factors and the needs of the class.
- To develop a new way of seeing to describe the visual world.
- To develop an understanding of colour, values, and composition in relation to painting.
- To become comfortable and familiar with the materials involved in acrylic painting.
- To develop their own personal painting practice.
Materials List
- A2 or similar size canvas boards.
- A3 or similar size pad of acrylic paper to paint on (must be 250-350gsm). Some are called ‘Acrylic paper’, which are designed to be painted on.
- Acrylic paints: warm and cool of each primary colour, plus burnt umber, Van Dyke brown, and white. Cadmium yellow, lemon yellow/yellow light hansa, cadmium red, alizarin crimson, ultramarine blue, phthalo blue, burnt umber, Van Dyke brown, and titanium white.
Preferred brands: Golden, Matisse, Liquitex, and Atelier (please avoid other brands). - ‘Gel Medium Gloss/Matte’ (acrylic painting medium).
- At least 4 brushes of varying size and shape. It’s good to have a mix of bristle brushes (rough) and synthetic (soft) in filbert shape.
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If you join any of our creative courses, you will receive a 10% discount off full-priced items at Eckersley’s Art & Craft. Discount applies on presentation of course receipt. Stores included are Eckersley’s Chatswood & St. Leonards.
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About the tutor
Gimin Kim
Gimin is a Sydney/Seoul-based artist who specialises in acrylic painting. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts from Sejong University in Seoul, South Korea, and has continued creating art while working as a designer after studying Graphic Design in Sydney. She explores painting, drawing, and photography in her artistic pursuits, with nature as a central theme in her impressionistic works. Painting brings Gimin profound fulfillment as she captures the beauty and serenity of nature and her surroundings. She is dedicated to not only developing her students' painting skills but also fostering their enjoyment of the creative process, aiming to inspire them with peace, inspiration, and delight similar to her own experience.
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