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Forgotten Delights: Rediscovering Baking Recipes From the Past

Course Overview

Explore the history of community and personal cookbooks by delving into a rich treasure chest of recipes from the past!

In this hands-on workshop we will bring to life original Country Women’s Association (CWA) of NSW recipes, published in 1930, from their collection of ‘calendar’ recipe leaflets covering a recipe for each day of the year. 

We will explore the history of community and personal cookbooks by delving into a rich treasure chest of recipes for the past. This workshop focuses on teaching you how to cook with your senses, not relying on the detailed instructions of many present-day recipes. 

You will learn how to decipher recipes from the past and explore the lost language of cookery. By revisiting these forgotten delights, we will bring them back to life and pay homage to the women who crated them.

You will learn to make the perfect chocolate cake, a never fail pastry for an old-fashioned fruit tart, and passion fruit sandwich (bake of the day in 1930) and a reliable biscuit dough. Finishing up with a cup of tea to enjoy our creations while talking about the lost timeless joy of sharing recipes. 

Materials List
  • An Apron 
  • Container to take home samples
  • Wear covered shoes
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Contact Information
(02) 9922 2299
Monday to Friday - 10:00am to 6:00pm
220 Miller St, North Sydney - Back of Ted Mack Civic Park