Early Morning Yoga
Course Overview
Begin your day on the right note, centring your mind, working your body and calming your emotions.
Learn the correct alignment for asanas, continuing practices as well as more advanced postures. Breath and focus, mind and body, emotions and spirit.
Practising hatha yoga with an Ashtanga base. This course caters to your individual needs. The focus of this small class is on each individual’s potential and limitations. All levels and all ages are welcome.
Course Breakdown
Week 1: Beginners mind for all. Correct alignment for your own body.
Week 2: Individual body awareness, limitations and capability.
Week 3: Building Strength and awareness
Week 4: Building Strength, focus and control
Week 5: Building Strength, focus and control, adding to your repertoire o Week 6: Building Strength, continuing previous learnings
Week 7: Building Strength, consolidating your individual practice
Week 8: Building Strength, focus on breath work
Week 9: Consolidating your practice. Relaxation and recovery
This outline provides an overview of what may be covered during the course; however, changes may occur based on various factors and the needs of the class.
Term Dates
Term 1 runs from Wednesday 5 February to Wednesday 2 April
Term 2 runs from Wednesday 30 April to Wednesday 25 June
Term 3 runs from Wednesday 23 July to Wednesday 17 September
Term 4 runs from Wednesday 15 October to Wednesday 10 December
Learn about having a regular yoga practice in your everyday life, learn what your individual physical needs are, start a beginner's practice, stay for the benefits and leave knowing more about yourself and what you need to live a more joyful life physically, mentally and emotionally.
Materials List
- Soft Mat
- Yoga strap
- 2 tennis balls
- Spikey ball
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About the tutor
Francesca Hendricks
To live a yogic life - emotionally, physically, intellectually, it's what we all strive for. I have been practising yoga for over 30 years. Yoga has been the grounding force throughout my life, growing up, studying, establishing a career and most importantly while bringing up my children, it sustained and helped me to stay focused and happy.Initially practising in the Iyengar tradition, I turned to Ashtanga yoga while seeking a stronger meditative, strengthening practice. I have studied with traditional masters in India, Sharath Jois in Mysore, and have completed a three year apprenticeship/teacher training at North Sydney Yoga, with Angelika Knoerzer. I continue to be inspired and taught by traditional teachers, Graeme and Leonie Northfield and Eileen Hall.Ongoing practice and study in Pranayama and Meditation as well as Yoga Anatomy and Physiology, the Sutras, Philosophy and understandings of the ancient traditions. I teach from a place of humility, tradition and non violence, helping others to gain strength and flexibility, while finding peace and calm in their daily lives.I currently teach classes at www.northsydneycentre.com.au www.pyrmontyoga.com.au, as well as private classes.
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