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Yin Yang Yoga Spring Edition

Course Overview

Yin Yang Yoga blends two styles of yoga into one practice – bringing together the benefits of passively holding yoga poses with more dynamic sequences and standing postures. 

Yin and Yang are the Taoist concepts which describe the two relative qualities present in everything. Yin is more internal, passive, cooling and downward. Yang is more external, dynamic, warming and upward.

When these terms are applied in yoga, Yin Yoga is a slower, quiet, contemplative practice where poses are passively held for longer. It works on the deep, dense (Yin) connective tissues and joints in the body. Yang Yoga, in contrast, refers to a more active practice. This works on the (Yang) muscles and blood flow, building strength, stamina and flexibility. Yang styles of yoga are those with rhythm and repetition like Vinyasa Flow.

For a balanced yoga practice, we need both Yin and Yang elements and with a focus on creating a positive energy flow. 

The Yin Yang Yoga Practice allows you to slow down, relax, and turn inward, which helps alleviate stress and restore your energy levels.  In this 3-week Yin Yang Yoga Course we will focus on Yin Yang yoga for the Season including Breathwork (Pranayama), and Sound Healing as tools for deep relaxation.

Course Outcomes

By the end of the 3-week course you will have experienced the skills of Yin Yang Yoga. On an energetic level, you may experience improved energy flow and enhanced flow of chi in the organs.

Some of the benefits of a regular Yin Yang Yoga Practice include:

Yin Yoga Benefits:

  • Calms and balances the mind and body.
  • Reduces stress and anxiety.
  • Increases circulation.
  • Improves flexibility and improves joint mobility.
  • Works deeply on the connective tissues (fascia, tendons and ligaments).
  • Balances the internal organs and improves the flow of chi or prana.
  • Stimulates the meridians(energy channels) bringing balance to the organs in the body.
  • Can prepare the practitioner for meditation practice

Yang Yoga Benefits:

  • Strengthens and tones the body
  • Improves flexibility and circulation
  • Increases stamina
  • Calms the mind down by inviting us to synchronise movement with the breath
  • Removes tension and obstacles in the body to allow breath and prana to flow
  • Soft Mat/Yoga Mat
  • Yoga Strap
  • Blanket
  • Eye pillow
  • Blocks

Please note Yoga Mats, strap, blankets, blocks are also available to borrow from NSCC. Please clean before and after use.

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Heather Crowe

About the tutor

Heather Crowe

Namaste, I’m Heather (aka Yogabindu) I love yoga and living a yogic lifestyle.  I have been practicing various yoga styles since 1987. Including Hatha, Ashtanga, Vinyasa Flow yoga, Satyananda yoga, Kundalini Yoga, and Yin yoga.  I have been teaching yoga since 2003 and started teaching yoga here at North Sydney Community Centre 2015.  My qualifications include Certified Foundational Yoga 2003, Diploma of Hatha Yoga Teacher Training (415Hrs) with Mark Obrien. 2006, Yoga Therapeutics Teacher Training with Judith Lasater 2006, SynchroDestiny with Deepak Chopra 2006, Sacred Light Medical Intuition 2007 with Silvana La Pegna,  Certified Level one Instructor of Kundalini Yoga, 2008, Ki yoga 2008, Satyananda Yoga Teachers Conference Koshas-unfolding the self 2008, Diploma of Satyananda Yoga Training 2009-2012, 200hr Flow Yoga Tracher Training 2012, Chakra Prana Vinyasa Teacher Training 2018 with Shiva Rea, Fascia Release for Yoga with Ariele Foster 2019, 100 Hr Level 1 Insight yoga Teacher Traiing Yin yoga and Yin/yang and Mindfulness Meditation with Sarah Powers and Ty Powers 2018, 50 Hr Yin Yoga teacher training with Bernie Clark and Diana Batts 2020, 4.6 CEC course on Vinyasa Fundamentals 2021, 1Hr CEC course on Fundamentals of Pranayama 2021, Diploma in Integral Sound Healing 2020.

I am passionate to share the teaching of yoga to bring more happiness, peace and joyful bliss into your life to help you balance your mind, body and soul.

I look forward to seeing you on the mat

Om Shanti.

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