Spanish Beginners Level 2
Course Overview
Take the next step in your Spanish language journey with our Beginners Next Step course, offering a seamless transition from basic skills to practical conversations, expanding your proficiency in a supportive and interactive learning environment.
This course helps you to develop your fluency and conversation skills in a range of contexts and builds your vocabulary to levels which will allow you greater experience and appreciation of the culture and its people.
In each session there will be great emphasis given to pronunciation (in groups and pairs), which will enhance one’s fluency for communicating in Spanish.
Additional resources may be used (eg: music, video etc.) where available and where suitable for the needs of the class.
The prerequisite for this course is the completion of Spanish Beginners 1 (or roughly 16 hours of prior instruction).
Course Breakdown
Week 1: Introduction to the verb ´To be’ in Spanish. SER. Describing looks
Week 2: How to ask questions. Describing personality. Telling the time
Week 3: Days of the week, Months of the year.
Week 4: ‘Introduction to the verb ´To be’ in Spanish. ESTAR. The weather
Week 5: Prepositions of place. How to ask for directions. Moving around a city
Week 6: Vocabulary of shops and places of interest
Week 7: Present of the regular verbs. Routine.
Week 8: Review of previous weeks’ material
*Subject to changes depending on number of students and other factors
Term Dates
Term 2 runs from Friday 2 May to Friday 20 June
Term 3 runs from Friday 25 July to Friday 12 September
Term 4 runs from Friday 17 October to Friday 5 December
Build up grammar knowledge.
Speak more confidently with correct pronunciation and extended vocabulary.
Able to have basic topic-based conversations.
"The Beginner Spanish class was very good thank you. Marilo is a fab teacher, she explains everything well and is very connected to her students and their abilities."
"I think being a professional teacher, being a native speaker and the level of enthusiasm makes this a great experience and opportunity to learn Spanish."
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