The Bag Depot at Northside Produce Market
The Bag Depot at Northside Produce Market
In order to be as sustainable as is possible at Northside Produce Market, rather than produce new carry / shoping bags for our customers to use when they forgot to bring their own bags with them, we put a call out to the community for any unwanted, clean, cloth carry bags that they would be happy to donate for this purpose.
The community's response was awesome, with many bags being dropped off at our North Sydney Community Centre Info stall and so The Bag Depot began and has been going ever since.
If ever you are in need of a shopping bag whilst at the market, then head to The Bag Depot.
If ever you have any unwanted, clean, cloth carry bags that you would like to be free of, then drop them off at The Bag Depot at our Info Stall from 8am till midday on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month, or at the North Sydney Community Centre from 10am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
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